Grade 10 Reading Exercise

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End of Silver Screen
Words: 663    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
Universities in Britain
Words: 701    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
Students' Problem
Words: 707    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
World's Largest Volcano
Words: 763    Suggest to finish in 15 minutes.
Sniff Out Disease
Words: 774    Suggest to finish in 15 minutes.
Phi Phi Island Resort
Words: 898    Suggest to finish in 15 minutes.
People of Corn
Words: 906    Suggest to finish in 15 minutes.
Travel To Australia
Words: 906    Suggest to finish in 15 minutes.
We French Do Love To Demonstrate
Words: 1009    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Unmasking Skin
Words: 1016    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Put Pupils Off Languages
Words: 1078    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Teenage Model
Words: 1099    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Sea Monsters
Words: 1138    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Words: 1187    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Children Language
Words: 1196    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
City and Natural Environment
Words: 1256    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
The Animal That Regrows Its Head
Words: 1397    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Americans Are Angry
Words: 1695    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
 Today's Question
Questions 1-8: The Reading Passage has eight paragraphs, A-H. Choose the headings and write the correct letter A-H in boxes.
1. A bold promise

2. Similar reforms in other countries

3. A refusal to change the law

4. Unemployment rate statistics

5. The dream of young French people

6. Different opinions

7. Best ham in all Paris

8. The demonstration itself
Questions 9-13: Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage? Answer True, False or Not given.
True: if the statement agrees with the information
False: if the statement contradicts the information
Not given: if there is no information on this
9. Most french would say that Philippe has a very good job.
Answer 9:

10. Eleonore and Philippe have same views on the situation.
Answer 10:

11. 25% of all people in France have no job.
Answer 11:

12. Francois Hollande might not run for re-election next year.
Answer 12:

13. The French Work Code is concidered simplier than the proposed Work Bill.
Answer 13: