Grade 11 Reading Exercise

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 All Exercises
Africa Boy
Words: 770    Suggest to finish in 15 minutes.
History of Steam Engine
Words: 844    Suggest to finish in 15 minutes.
Roman Oil Trade
Words: 910    Suggest to finish in 15 minutes.
Life Without Mental Images
Words: 911    Suggest to finish in 15 minutes.
Science Of Sleep
Words: 933    Suggest to finish in 15 minutes.
Helium's Future
Words: 938    Suggest to finish in 15 minutes.
Making Time for Science
Words: 939    Suggest to finish in 15 minutes.
Is Science Dangerous
Words: 975    Suggest to finish in 15 minutes.
Sense of Scent
Words: 1013    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
The Triune Brain
Words: 1069    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Put Women To Family
Words: 1096    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
E-cigarettes Stop Smoking?
Words: 1125    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
How I was floored by a tick
Words: 1197    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Light Pollution
Words: 1200    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
City HIV First Emerged
Words: 1259    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Sponging Dolphins
Words: 1376    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Lost Objects: The Lion of al-Lat
Words: 1476    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Atom Bomb
Words: 1767    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
 Today's Question
Questions 1-8: Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage? Answer True, False or Not given.
True: if the statement agrees with the information
False: if the statement contradicts the information
Not given: if there is no information on this
1. Alan had no doubt about his illness from the beginning.
Answer 1:

2. Both blood tests were negative for Lyme Disease.
Answer 2:

3. Alan didn't become a Waverley Station patient for more than 3 hours.
Answer 3:

4. Blood tests were inaccurate because they were taken unprofessionaly.
Answer 4:

5. Lyme Disease is very unfamiliar in the UK.
Answer 5:

6. When bitten, you should remove the tick, preferably with a tool.
Answer 6:

7. After you remove the tick and apply antiseptic, you should take paracetamol.
Answer 7:

8. It is advise to contact a doctor, if you feel ill after removing the tick.
Answer 8:
Questions 9-13: Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.
9. Angela's friend recognized the Lyme Disease as soon as she saw the rash.

10. One problem is, it's unknown how Lyme Disease is nowadays.

11. Roger Evans says that they try to create maps of Scotland where there's a risk of .

12. The one possible reason for Lyme Diseaes to move all over the world is .

13. You can catch the disease even in your own back .