Grade 12 Reading Exercise

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Penguins' Anti-ice Trick
Words: 734    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
Britain TV Industry
Words: 876    Suggest to finish in 15 minutes.
Australian Aborigines
Words: 969    Suggest to finish in 15 minutes.
Truth About ART
Words: 971    Suggest to finish in 15 minutes.
Life Without Death
Words: 971    Suggest to finish in 15 minutes.
Mysterious Dark Matter
Words: 1012    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Crime-Fighting Technology
Words: 1038    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Risks Of Artificial Intelligence
Words: 1113    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Reveal How To Think
Words: 1120    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Gender Price Gap
Words: 1135    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
In Praise of Amateurs
Words: 1156    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Toddlers Bond With Robot
Words: 1196    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Cognitive Dissonance
Words: 1213    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
What A Waste
Words: 1291    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Romantic Kiss
Words: 1309    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Start-Ups Stay Private
Words: 1602    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Gene Editing
Words: 1832    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
 Today's Question
Questions 1-9: Classify the following statements as referring to A, B, or C. Write the appropriate letters in boxes.
ACharlie Moore
BLewis Williams
CEmily Cope
1. British people don't appreciate art because they don't see enough art around them all the time.

2. British museums aim to appeal to popular tastes in art.

3. The average Englishman likes the works of Turner and Constable.

4. Britain, like every other country, has its own view of what art is.

5. In Britain, interest in art is mainly limited to traditional forms such as representational painting.

6. British art has always been affected by other cultures.

7. Galleries in other countries are of better quality than those in Britain.

8. People are not raised to appreciate art.

9. The British have limited knowledge of art.
Questions 10–12: Choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D.
10. Many British artists
A)are engravers or poets
B)are great but liked only in Britain
C)do not belong to a school or general trend
D)are influenced by Picasso and Dali
Answer 10:

11. Classic' art can be described as
A)sentimental, realistic paintings with geometric shapes
B)realistic paintings with primary colors
C)abstract modern paintings and sculptures
D)realistic, representational pictures and sculptures
Answer 11:

12. In Spain, people probably enjoy modern art because
A)their artists have a classifiable style
B)the most renowned modern artists are Spanish
C)they attend many modern exhibitions
D)they have different opinions on art
Answer 12: