Grade 6 Reading Exercise

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Materials for Reading & Listening Practice
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Hours of Work
Words: 158    Suggest to finish in 5 minutes.
English courses
Words: 286    Suggest to finish in 5 minutes.
Emergency Evacuation
Words: 396    Suggest to finish in 7 minutes.
A Growing Plan
Words: 508    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
A Schoolyard Garden
Words: 533    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
Keyboard Operator Practice
Words: 545    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
Experimental Appetites
Words: 609    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
A Shriek in the Night
Words: 618    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
A Picture Perfect Day
Words: 622    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
A Beacon of Light
Words: 669    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
 Today's Question
Questions 1-6: Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage? Answer True, False or Not given.
True: if the statement agrees with the information
False: if the statement contradicts the information
Not given: if there is no information on this
1. You can work through parts of a course more than once.
Answer 1:

2. The number of courses offered by LearnEnglish has increased enormously.
Answer 2:

3. Many staff members have worked through a LearnEnglish course themselves.
Answer 3:

4. You may have to pay to take a LearnEnglish course.
Answer 4:

5. Everybody takes the same taster lesson.
Answer 5:

6. LearnEnglish centres are open seven days a week.
Answer 6: