Grade 6 Reading Exercise

It hosts Grade 6 reading materials and exercises covering main question types, provides answers for all questions; students can get reading materials and exercises by topics or types and practices online.

 All Exercises
Hours of Work
Words: 158    Suggest to finish in 5 minutes.
English courses
Words: 286    Suggest to finish in 5 minutes.
Emergency Evacuation
Words: 396    Suggest to finish in 7 minutes.
A Growing Plan
Words: 508    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
A Schoolyard Garden
Words: 533    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
Keyboard Operator Practice
Words: 545    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
Experimental Appetites
Words: 609    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
A Shriek in the Night
Words: 618    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
A Picture Perfect Day
Words: 622    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
A Beacon of Light
Words: 669    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
 Today's Question
Questions 1-8: Complete the sentences below. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer.
1. In an emergency, a teacher will either phone the office or .

2. The signal for evacuation will normally be several .

3. If possible, students should leave the building by the .

4. They then walk quickly to the .

5. will join the teachers and students in the quad.

6. Each class teacher will count up his or her students and mark .

7. After the , everyone may return to class.

8. If there is an emergency at lunchtime, students gather in the quad in and wait for their teacher.