Grade 9 Reading Exercise

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Flight Attendants Recruitment
Words: 467    Suggest to finish in 7 minutes.
Excerpt from Breaking the Barrier
Words: 638    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
Carrier Pigeons
Words: 674    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
Environment and Agriculture
Words: 688    Suggest to finish in 10 minutes.
Oration in Memory of Abraham Lincoln
Words: 823    Suggest to finish in 15 minutes.
A Visit with the Folks
Words: 948    Suggest to finish in 15 minutes.
Employment in Japan
Words: 1127    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Help on the Hoof & The Guide Horse Training Process
Words: 1164    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
Excerpt from Trapped & Identity
Words: 1742    Suggest to finish in 20 minutes.
 Today's Question
Question 1-7: Answer the below questions
1. Which excerpt from Article 1 best communicates an enthusiastic tone?
A)Cuddles is a two-foot-high miniature horse and serves as the guiding eyes of Shaw, who is visually impaired.
B)In the early 1920s, Morris Frank made history by becoming the first person in America to receive a guide dog.
C)When getting around on his own in public proved to be too difficult, [Shaw] opened a bait shop in his own home.
D)Best of all, [guide horses] live for 25–35 years, which would enable Shaw to have the same guide companion for most or all of his life.
Answer 1:

2. Based on the information presented in Article 1 and Article 2, what can the reader best conclude?
A)All visually impaired individuals use guide horses.
B)It is common to be selected as a guide horse owner.
C)Guide horses require extensive training but are a valuable resource.
D)Guide horses learn the most during the verbal portion of the training process.
Answer 2:

3. What principal idea connects the information in both articles?
A)The guide horse training process integrates the techniques of various experts.
B)The primary duty of an assistance animal is to protect the handler from danger.
C)Assistance animals can live for several decades.
D)Guide dogs are still more effective than guide horses.
Answer 3:

4. Which source would be most helpful for a student who wants to write a report on the general use of assistance animals?
A)Franco, Julia. Training Guide Dogs. Los Angeles: Guiding Lights Publishing, 2002.
B)Lee, Sung. “Sasha: A Canine Hero.” Kennel Club Newsletter Spring 2001: 2–3.
C)Quinn, Michael. Guide Dogs and Other Companions. San Francisco: Ice House Publishing, 2001.
D)Scott, Ken. “Local Police Seek Funds for K-9 Unit.” The Daily Ledger 2 Jan. 2003: 4C.
Answer 4:

5. Which question about the uses of assistance animals could best be answered through further research?
A)How are various types of animals utilized as assistance animals?
B)Which animal serves as the best assistance animal?
C)When did Dan Shaw first hear about various types of assistance animals?
D)How did Don and Janet Burleson learn to train assistance animals?
Answer 5:

6. Which question, if researched, could provide the best information on which assistance animals make the best guides?
A)What is the process for applying to own an assistance animal?
B)What methods are most popular for teaching assistance animals to work with people?
C)What are the steps necessary to becoming a trainer of assistance animals?
D)What qualities are necessary in a competent assistance animal?
Answer 6:

7. Which supplement, if added to Article 2, could best enhance the reader’s understanding of the guide horse training process?
A)examples of verbal commands taught to the guide horse
B)charts illustrating the career of John Lyons
C)a picture showing a guide horse walking ahead of its handler
D)a list of well-known horse trainers
Answer 7: