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Vocabulary Study Online by Level
Vocabulary Study Online
Vocabulary Study Online By Level (VSOBL) is a Fast, Reliable, and Handy tool to prepare English exam vocabulary. (Available for all VIP accounts: US$2/Month). It has built-in word lists: 6000 IELTS words, 6000 TOEFL words, 5000 GRE words, and 3000 SAT words. You can load them by level with one click.
 3000 Common SAT Vocabulary Words
1   Overview:
3000 Common SAT Vocabulary Words is a middle-level list for test-takers to warm up known words and learn new words. Usually, students need three or more months to finish it. If you aim to good-rank universities, the list is a solid start to challenge harder SAT vocabulary.

The vocabulary consists of 3000+ SAT words that high school students, especially in 12th grade, should master before SAT exam. These words are mainly from recent SAT papers and the College Board's official practice materials.

In addition to definitions and explanations, the vocabulary includes interactive exercises, such as meaning matching and spelling. These exercises, available for each word, can be launched with a few clicks. For those who prefer to study SAT vocabulary offline or traditionally, the vocabulary offers printable flashcards and PDF files.

If you want a better SAT score, you must own a strong SAT vocabulary that impacts all test modules. It means that you will spend more time studying SAT words. This list is a good candidate if you schedule 3 months or more. Try some content quickly; you can know if it matches your current vocabulary level and helps to up vocabulary skills efficiently.

Does this SAT Vocabulary List meet your case? We divide the words into three levels; each consists of 4 groups. Want to view them quickly? Watch them here.

Last but not least, SAT Official Website is the right place to solve problems related to the SAT. If any doubts or questions about SAT vocabulary may impact your preparation and even your final score, don't hesitate to get there and clarify them.

2   Alternative SAT vocabularies:
We know one words list cannot cover all SAT takers' requirements. If you think the 3000 Common SAT Vocabulary List doesn't match your circumstance, please try other lists on the website.

However, if you are serious about preparing for SAT, smaller or easier lists shouldn't be an option unless you use them as a supplement. For example, we recommend the following two vocabularies to supplement 3000 common SAT vocabulary. They are very useful for enhancing reading and writing words, especially for high score hunters.

3   Words' EBook, PDF, and Cards:
SAT Vocabulary EBook
We have published an ebook that matches the 3000 Common SAT Vocabulary List. Students can buy from leading ebook distributors.

Apple iBookKoboBarnes & NobleAmazon Kindle

SAT Vocabulary PDF List
Some students like using PDF lists to learn and review words. We do offer a handy feature to make SAT PDF word list for each group. Below are demos of Level 1's first group, including nine non-English explanations.If you have a VIP account, you can print all groups' word list on the website; the details are in:

SAT Vocabulary Cards
Cards are helpful tools for some students to study new words. We offer two buttons to make SAT one-side and two-side flashcards for each group. Below are one-side cards for Level 1's first group, including 9 non-English explanations.If you have a VIP account, you can print all groups' cards, either one-side or two-side; the details are in:

DIY - PDF files
Some students need PDF files to study English words. We did publish some SAT vocabulary lists in PDF. However, we encourage our visitors to create customized files based on our SAT vocabulary lists.

We have provided a web app to customize PDF through various vocabularies, which can be directly run from Print Vocabulary in PDF. It can load all vocabularies of this website; the 3000 Common SAT Vocabulary List is one of them.

If you need more flexible solutions, e.g., you plan to include non-English definitions, we suggest following Download SAT Vocabulary PDF. In addition to printing the whole group's words, it tells you how to leverage other free Internet PDF tools to produce a PDF file based on this website's vocabulary lists in a few minutes.

4   Manage Word Status:
There are two ways: the Note page or the Panel page to manage words' statuses. To speed up your studying, you can manage the words by marking them as New, Known, and Review status. You can also save the statuses to the cloud and sync back if your device has trouble or want to switch to other devices.

Word status works for all vocabularies on the website, including 3000 SAT Words. It is a handy flag to skip known words and focus on new and half-familiar words.

By Note
Manage SAT Word by Note

By Panel
Manage SAT Word by Panel
5   View all words by groups:        
Go to Word List by Group:
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12 

Select Vocabulary Group:
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12 

Words of Group 1: (Part of words, select list to view all.)
6   Demonstrate word list style:
deadlock   Pronounce
n. standstill resulting from the opposition of two forces or factions; stalemate
Because negotiations had reached a deadlock, some of the delegates had begun to mutter about breaking off the talks.
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debris   Pronounce
n. remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up
A full year after the earthquake in Mexico City, they were still carting away the debris.
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decipher   Pronounce
v. convert code into ordinary language; read with difficulty
Lacking his codebook, the spy could not decipher the scrambled message sent to him from the KGB.
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decoy   Pronounce
n. lure or bait; means used to mislead or lead into danger
The decoy did not fool the wild ducks.
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defer   Pronounce
v. delay till later; put off; hold back to a later time
I would again defer to responsible judgment when we're dealing with this kind of thing.
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definitive   Pronounce
a. final; complete; precisely defined or explicit
And finally, the utility of the skeleton would be most likely to aid in definitive identification.
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This is 6 words quick view. View words of the list
7   Word meaning matching - Test words you know:
acquittal  Speak
act of overthrowing, pulling down, or destroying
state of being found or proved not guilty; judgment of not guilty
mild and pleasant; fragrant
essential quality; reputation; honor
acute  Speak
change something into another form; transform
quickly perceptive; keen; having a sharp point or tip; extremely sharp or severe
the doctor who specializes in medical problems related to heart
sudden, unexpected fancy; impulsive change of mind
analogy  Speak
work of art put together from fragments
the similarity in some respects; comparison based on similarity
turn to the advantage of; be of service to; profit; promote
graze; skim or glance at casually
anesthetic  Speak
give as a gift; present
a substance that causes loss of sensation; producing temporary loss or impairment of feeling
partial or total loss of memory, usually resulting from shock or illness
sophisticated; of worldwide scope
ape  Speak
imitate; mimic, as an ape imitates human actions
out of proper order; not in perfect shape; faulty
turn to the advantage of; be of service to; profit; promote
state of being found or proved not guilty; judgment of not guilty
aspire  Speak
lacking stimulating or mild; agreeable
deep and resonant; flourishing; thriving
two or more things occurring at the same time by chance
seek to attain; long for; strive toward an end
This is 6 words matching. Try matching quizzes of the list
8   Interactive spelling - Check your spelling skill online:
Read [Esc]
n. medicine to counteract a poison or disease; an agent that relieves or counteracts

Spelling Word: antidote
Read [Esc]
v. acquire; take possession of for one's own use; set apart for specific use

Spelling Word: appropriate
Read [Esc]
n. someone chosen to judge and decide the disputed issue;  one having the power to make authoritative decisions

Spelling Word: arbitrator
Read [Esc]
n. a bound volume of maps, charts, or tables

Spelling Word: atlas
Read [Esc]
n. gift giver; a person who gives people or institutions financial help

Spelling Word: benefactor
Read [Esc]
a. generous in providing aid to others; charitable

Spelling Word: benevolent
This is 6 words spelling. Try spelling exercises of the list