ABJURE in a Sentence

Learn ABJURE from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

Example sentences for ABJURE, such as:

1. He will abjure his allegiance to the king.
2. On receiving this the victim might either openly abjure his former ways, or might fly from the country.
3. Indeed, if many investors abjure the listing , those who hold their noses and take the plunge might make even more money.

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 Meanings and Examples of ABJURE
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 v.  renounce upon oath; abandon forever
Classic Sentence:
1  On receiving this the victim might either openly abjure his former ways, or might fly from the country.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
Context  Highlight   In V. THE FIVE ORANGE PIPS
2  But there are passions of which a man cannot rid himself, seeing that they are born with him at his birth, and he has no power to abjure them.
Dead Souls By Nikolai Gogol
Context  Highlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER XI
3  The protesting minority were forgotten in the throng which abjured and came; and the audience was almost as brilliant as the show.
House of Mirth By Edith Wharton
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1: Chapter 12
Example Sentence:
1  He will abjure his allegiance to the king.
2  Indeed, if many investors abjure the listing , those who hold their noses and take the plunge might make even more money.