1 The doors of the two bedrooms faced each other across the narrow upper landing, and to-night it was peculiarly repugnant to him that Mattie should see him follow Zeena.
2 It is powerful cold down here, Ethan assented; and with lowered head he went up in his wife's wake, and followed her across the threshold of their room.
3 As he lay there he could hear Mattie moving about in her room, and her candle, sending its small ray across the landing, drew a scarcely perceptible line of light under his door.
4 The sudden heat of his tone made her colour mount again, not with a rush, but gradually, delicately, like the reflection of a thought stealing slowly across her heart.
5 His wife's retort was like a knife-cut across the sinews and he felt suddenly weak and powerless.
6 She shone at him across the table.
7 He flung it across the floor and propped his head against the wall.
8 "Now let go," he repeated; then he shouldered the trunk and carried it down the stairs and across the passage to the kitchen.
9 As they drew near the end of the village the cries of children reached them, and they saw a knot of boys, with sleds behind them, scattering across the open space before the church.
10 Suddenly he heard the old sorrel whinny across the road, and thought: "He's wondering why he doesn't get his supper."
11 He tried in vain to roll over in the direction of the sound, and stretched his left arm out across the snow.
12 They looked out across the endless acres of Gerald O'Hara's newly plowed cotton fields toward the red horizon.
13 Now that the sun was setting in a welter of crimson behind the hills across the Flint River, the warmth of the April day was ebbing into a faint but balmy chill.
14 The sun was low across the new-plowed fields and the tall woods across the river were looming blackly in silhouette.
15 Chimney swallows were darting swiftly across the yard, and chickens, ducks and turkeys were waddling and strutting and straggling in from the fields.