1 "I told you I ain't the kind to be afraid" she tossed back, almost indifferently; and suddenly she began to walk on with a rapid step.
2 He had been afraid that she would hate the hard life, the cold and loneliness; but not a sign of discontent escaped her.
3 Thank you, Dilcey," Scarlett replied, "but I'm afraid Mammy will have something to say about that.
4 Scarlett was afraid someone might hear his words.
5 I'm afraid there won't be much of a ball tonight, because the Troop is going to meet at Jonesboro.
6 And they're afraid their new dresses won't show off behind booth counters.
7 My husband wasn't afraid to go and neither was yours.
8 Frank Kennedy still pussyfoots about, afraid of his shadow, and I'll be asking him his intentions soon if he doesn't speak up.
9 He loved me but he was afraid to marry me because--for fear I'd upset his way of thinking and living.
10 No, it wasn't exactly that he was afraid.
11 She was almost afraid to read further.
12 She's afraid he'll join the army if he gets out of her sight.
13 All your beaux have respected you too much, though God knows why, or they have been too afraid of you to really do right by you.
14 They were needed at the hospital and furthermore, they said proudly, they weren't afraid and no Yankees were going to run them out of their homes.
15 If she were just near Ellen she wouldn't be afraid, no matter what happened.