1 This posing at the piano and over the album was only a little ruse adopted by way of precaution.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre DumasContext Highlight In Chapter 47. The Dappled Grays. 2 "The album," said Edward sulkily.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre DumasContext Highlight In Chapter 52. Toxicology. 3 "I won't go unless you give me the album," said the boy, seating himself doggedly in an arm-chair, according to his habit of never giving way.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre DumasContext Highlight In Chapter 52. Toxicology. 4 "Take it, then, and pray disturb us no longer," said Madame de Villefort, giving the album to Edward, who then went towards the door, led by his mother.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre DumasContext Highlight In Chapter 52. Toxicology. 5 Seizing the first pretext, she got up, and with her light, resolute step went for her album.
6 She got up, and, taking off her hat, took up from a little table an album in which there were photographs of her son at different ages.
7 She wanted to compare them, and began taking them out of the album.
8 I was looking through the views of the Saxon mountains in your album, and you remarked that that couldn't interest me.
9 said her mother, thoughtfully, referring to some verses Prince Andrew had written in Natasha's album.
10 To Boris, Julie was particularly gracious: she regretted his early disillusionment with life, offered him such consolation of friendship as she who had herself suffered so much could render, and showed him her album.
11 He took a taxi to the cathedral, at the last moment he had remembered the album that he had had no opportunity to give to the Italian earlier and so took it with him now.
12 When he arrived back at where he had been sitting he did not hesitate but simply reached out for the album he had left there and took it with him.
13 Then Georgiana produced her album.
14 Arkady began talking with great warmth of his dead mother; while Bazarov fell to turning over albums.
15 He could talk about rural economy with the count, fashions with the countess and Natasha, and about albums and fancywork with Sonya.