AMBITION in a Sentence

Learn AMBITION from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

112 example sentences for AMBITION, such as:

1. Her prime motive was personal ambition.
2. His burning ambition was to study medicine.
3. Their ambitions were finally dead and buried.
4. This decision seemed to cloud my every ambition.
5. His ambitions are way beyond the realms of possibility.

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 Meanings and Examples of AMBITION
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 n.  aspiration
Classic Sentence: (81 in 6 pages)
1  For he saw that the ambition of others made it impossible for him to do what was useful for many against the will of a few.
Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius By Niccolo Machiavelli
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1: CHAPTER IX.
2  For when no longer urged to war on one another by necessity, they are urged by ambition, which has such dominion in their hearts that it never leaves them to whatsoever heights they climb.
Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius By Niccolo Machiavelli
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1: CHAPTER XXXVII.
3  One kind of war has its origin in the ambition of princes or republics who seek to extend their dominions.
Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius By Niccolo Machiavelli
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER VIII.
4  For terms of accord having been settled between the senate and commons of Rome, the latter, thinking their tribunes well able to withstand the ambition of the nobles, prolonged their authority for a year.
Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius By Niccolo Machiavelli
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 3: CHAPTER XXIV.
5  King Louis was brought into Italy by the ambition of the Venetians, who desired to obtain half the state of Lombardy by his intervention.
The Prince By Niccolo Machiavelli
6  Francesco turned his ambition to Lombardy; Braccio against the Church and the kingdom of Naples.
The Prince By Niccolo Machiavelli
7  And so, too, the native ambition and aspiration of men, even though they be black, backward, and ungraceful, must not lightly be dealt with.
The Souls of Black Folk By W. E. B. Du Bois
Context  Highlight   In VI
8  In all my efforts to learn to read my mother shared fully my ambition, and sympathized with me and aided me in every way that she could.
Up From Slavery: An Autobiography By Booker T. Washington
Context  Highlight   In Chapter II.
9  The great ambition of the older people was to try to learn to read the Bible before they died.
Up From Slavery: An Autobiography By Booker T. Washington
Context  Highlight   In Chapter II.
10  This decision seemed to cloud my every ambition.
Up From Slavery: An Autobiography By Booker T. Washington
Context  Highlight   In Chapter II.
11  They soon lose ambition to do anything else than to continue as a coal-miner.
Up From Slavery: An Autobiography By Booker T. Washington
Context  Highlight   In Chapter II.
12  It was my greatest ambition during the summer to save money enough with which to pay this debt.
Up From Slavery: An Autobiography By Booker T. Washington
Context  Highlight   In Chapter IV.
13  The ambition to secure an education was most praiseworthy and encouraging.
Up From Slavery: An Autobiography By Booker T. Washington
Context  Highlight   In Chapter V.
14  The members of this class had little ambition to create a position for themselves, but wanted the Federal officials to create one for them.
Up From Slavery: An Autobiography By Booker T. Washington
Context  Highlight   In Chapter V.
15  From the first, my wife most earnestly devoted her thoughts and time to the work of the school, and was completely one with me in every interest and ambition.
Up From Slavery: An Autobiography By Booker T. Washington
Context  Highlight   In Chapter IX.
Example Sentence: (31 in 3 pages)
16  Her prime motive was personal ambition.
17  She never realized her ambition of becoming a professional singer.
18  Her greatest ambition was to represent her country at the Olympics.
19  His burning ambition was to study medicine.
20  They may be trying to protect their rich pickings, but this is also in line with President Putin's ambition to see Russian business as a truly international player.
21  Some revolutions may have originated in caprice, or generated in ambition.
22  The important question is whether he is prepared to go to war to achieve his territorial ambitions.
23  It was hard to reconcile his career ambitions with the needs of his children.
24  Their ambitions were finally dead and buried.
25  His ambitions are way beyond the realms of possibility.
26  The party's ambitions have been rather deflated by the two recent by-election defeats.
27  Though Barbara Jordan's fellow students used to tease her about her lofty ambitions, she rose to hold one of the highest positions in the land.
28  On the other hand, he knew that the Countess Astaride, having gone so far, would never again relinquish her ambitions.
29  The plan is ambitions: to reduce France's stubbornly high unemployment rate of ten percent.
30  Given the judge's political ambitions and the lawyers' financial interest in the case, the only disinterested person in the courtroom may have been the court reporter.