1 It was the first scene of open anger between the couple in their sad seven years together, and Ethan felt as if he had lost an irretrievable advantage in descending to the level of recrimination.
2 As he reached the door he met Zeena coming back into the room, her lips twitching with anger, a flush of excitement on her sallow face.
3 Jotham Powell had started for the barn, and Ethan strode down after him aflame with anger.
4 The sound of her weeping shook him out of his dark anger, and he felt ashamed.
5 They were a kindly people, courteous, generous, filled with abounding good nature, but sturdy, virile, easy to anger.
6 He had never once crossed the borders of friendliness with her and, when she thought of this fresh anger rose, the anger of hurt pride and feminine vanity.
7 She stopped, clutching the banisters, her heart hammering so hard from anger, insult and exertion that it seemed about to burst through her basque.
8 "Why, how did--" she began, caught off her balance, and then checked herself hastily, boiling with anger at herself for falling into his trap.
9 "I never thought to live long enough to hear such disloyal words spoken of our Cause," went on Mrs. Merriwether, by this time in a ferment of righteous anger.
10 As she passed the stove, she shoved the handkerchief into the flames and with impotent anger watched it burn.
11 He went on speaking and there was a quality in his voice, a sadness, a resignation, that increased her fear until every vestige of anger and disappointment was blotted out.
12 Scarlett rose quickly, struggling with her anger.
13 For a moment her mind refused to accept the truth, but when realization finally came to her that Prissy knew no more about midwifery than she did, anger went over her like a flame.
14 They were naked and there was anger and something like bewilderment in them.
15 "You're a fool nigger, and the worst day's work Pa ever did was to buy you," said Scarlett slowly, too tired for anger.