1 Scarlett could think of nothing to say, and she felt her face growing red with annoyance.
2 Little Wade was no longer an annoyance, for the family, black and white, and the neighbors idolized him and there was a never-ceasing rivalry as to whose lap he should occupy.
3 But she shrugged off her momentary annoyance.
4 India turned from her to Archie and, all annoyance at him gone from her face, gave him a look of veiled anxious inquiry.
5 Handling her needle awkwardly, she jabbed it into her thumb and with a little scream of pain and annoyance that made them all jump, she squeezed it until a bright red drop appeared.
6 Her green eyes were alert and sparkling again, and she laughed aloud for the first time in weeks when Rhett and Bonnie met her and Wade and Ella at the depot--laughed in annoyance and amusement.
7 Miss Bart continued to smile without annoyance.
8 The couple in question were engaged in the same kind of romance in which Lily figured, and the latter felt a certain annoyance in contemplating what seemed to her a caricature of her own situation.
9 The remark was uttered with a little air of proprietorship not lost on its object, who concealed a faint blush of annoyance by stooping to pick up the book he had dropped at Lily's approach.
10 Miss Bart felt an inward motion of annoyance: it was distasteful enough to hear her name coupled with Trenor's, and on Rosedale's lips the allusion was peculiarly unpleasant.
11 His voice had risen sharply with the last words, and Lily flushed with annoyance, but she kept command of the situation and laid a persuasive hand on his arm.
12 Her first movement was one of annoyance: this unforeseen act of Selden's added another complication to life.
13 His face flushed with annoyance, and taking off his soft hat he began to beat it impatiently against his leg as he walked.
14 Madame Lebrun went back to the machine, crimson with annoyance.
15 "This afternoon," returned Robert, with a shade of annoyance.