1 My dear child," answered Eurynome, "all that you have said is true, go and tell your son about it, but first wash yourself and anoint your face.
2 Then, at day break wash him and anoint him again, that he may sit in the cloister and take his meals with Telemachus.
3 One of these slaves shall maintain the fire beneath thee, while the other shall anoint thy wretched limbs with oil, lest the roast should burn.
4 Now time lay between: the oils of ordination would never anoint his body.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James JoyceContext Highlight In Chapter 4 5 When the servants had washed them and anointed them with oil, they brought them woollen cloaks and shirts, and the two took their seats by the side of Menelaus.
6 Here the Graces bathed her, and anointed her with oil of ambrosia such as the immortal gods make use of, and they clothed her in raiment of the most enchanting beauty.
7 When the maids had washed and anointed them, and had given them cloaks and shirts, they took their seats at table.
8 Then the old Sicel woman took Laertes inside and washed him and anointed him with oil.
9 Then was he anointed and consecrated, and thus was fulfilled what he had heard from the frogs on his way, which had so affected him, that he was to be his Holiness the Pope.
Grimms' Fairy Tales By Jacob and Wilhelm GrimmContext Highlight In THE THREE LANGUAGES 10 To make them run easily and swiftly, the axles of carriages are anointed; and for much the same purpose, some whalers perform an analogous operation upon their boat; they grease the bottom.
11 Soon a rill of clear oil trickled from the carcases, whereupon Clym dipped the corner of his handkerchief into the liquid and anointed the wound.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContext Highlight In BOOK 4: 7 The Tragic Meeting of Two Old Friends 12 Their dull piety and the sickly smell of the cheap hair-oil with which they had anointed their heads repelled him from the altar they prayed at.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James JoyceContext Highlight In Chapter 3 13 The wet nurse supported the coverlet with her chin, while the priest with a goose feather anointed the boy's little red and wrinkled soles and palms.
14 This means Kings in days gone by always went and had themselves anointed.
15 When the servants had done washing and anointing him with oil, and had given him a clean cloak and shirt, he left the bath room and joined the guests who were sitting over their wine.