1 Against the dark background of the kitchen she stood up tall and angular, one hand drawing a quilted counterpane to her flat breast, while the other held a lamp.
2 She stood just as Zeena had stood, a lifted lamp in her hand, against the black background of the kitchen.
3 Outside, the late afternoon sun slanted down in the yard, throwing into gleaming brightness the dogwood trees that were solid masses of white blossoms against the background of new green.
4 They put their own grief into the background in order to divert her.
5 And everywhere amid the greenery, on flags and bunting, blazed the bright stars of the Confederacy on their background of red and blue.
6 The ever-present war in the background lent a pleasant informality to social relations, an informality which older people viewed with alarm.
7 For an instant Scarlett envisaged her trip to Atlanta and her conversation with Rhett with Mammy glowering chaperonage like a large black Cerberus in the background.
8 The door opened quickly and Mammy, shrinking back into the shadows of the hall, saw Rhett huge and dark against the blazing background of candles.
9 The clothes are the background, the frame, if you like: they don't make success, but they are a part of it.
10 Tall clumps of flowering plants were grouped against a background of dark foliage in the angles of the walls.
11 Her whole being dilated in an atmosphere of luxury; it was the background she required, the only climate she could breathe in.
12 The white oval of her face swam out waveringly from a background of shadows, the uncertain light blurring it like a haze; but the two lines about the mouth remained.
13 Lily had no real intimacy with nature, but she had a passion for the appropriate and could be keenly sensitive to a scene which was the fitting background of her own sensations.
14 But he was prompt to perceive that the general dulness of the season afforded him an unusual opportunity to shine, and he set about with patient industry to form a background for his growing glory.
15 The company, in obedience to the decorative instinct which calls for fine clothes in fine surroundings, had dressed rather with an eye to Mrs. Bry's background than to herself.