1 It was so dark under the spruces that he could barely see the shape of her head beside his shoulder.
2 It barely cleared the tall back of the sofa and splintered with a little crash against the marble mantelpiece.
3 It was for the latter reason that he was barely on speaking terms with his sister, Miss Pittypat.
4 Now Melanie had given a new meaning to passages in the letters which Scarlett's eyes had barely seen.
5 She found Carey Ashburn on the bottom layer of wounded in an ox cart, barely alive from a bullet wound in his head.
6 Alone in the big house were Grandma Fontaine, in her seventies, her daughter-in-law who would always be known as Young Miss, though she was in her fifties, and Sally, who had barely turned twenty.
7 But we country folks will go back a hundred years like the pioneers who had little cabins and just scratched a few acres--and barely existed.
8 Brother Henry could just barely pay taxes on this house.
9 Skillfully, he diluted the claret with water from the carafe until the liquid was barely pink and handed the glass to Wade.
10 Ashley had barely made expenses and Johnnie had a remarkable sum to his credit.
11 One rainy afternoon when Bonnie was barely past her first birthday, Wade moped about the sitting room, occasionally going to the window and flattening his nose on the dripping pane.
12 The plumes on her bonnet barely moved as she nodded.
13 She hated Archie as much as he hated her and they barely spoke.
14 She had started with one little mill in those black days when Atlanta was barely struggling up from ruin and ashes and want was staring her in the face.
15 Freddy, barely out of college, had risen above the horizon since Lily's eclipse, and she now saw with surprise what an effulgence he shed on the outer twilight of Mrs. Hatch's existence.