1 "It's no bargain you're getting and I am glad not to have to pay more taxes on the place," sighed the possessor of an "ace full," as he called for pen and ink.
2 Gentlemen, if you wish to lead a reel with the lady of your choice, you must bargain for her.
3 God had broken the bargain time and again, to her way of thinking, and she felt that she owed Him nothing at all now.
4 He had delayed closing the bargain until he discussed it with Scarlett.
5 She had made her bargain and she intended to stand by it.
6 You can't complain that I've fallen down on my bargain.
7 And into the bargain I'll bet your mother told you that women must bear 'these things' because of the compensating joys of motherhood.'
8 They had made a bargain and she was quite pleased with her side of the bargain.
9 And I would have no sense of shame for anything I did, for I made a bargain with you--a bargain which I have kept and you are now breaking.
10 Their glance sealed the bargain that the protection of Ashley Wilkes from a too harsh world was passing from one woman to another and that Ashley's masculine pride should never be humbled by this knowledge.
11 The buyer would nod or drop his whip, and that would mean a bargain; and he would note it in his little book, along with hundreds of others he had made that morning.
12 At the saloon Jurgis could not only get more food and better food than he could buy in any restaurant for the same money, but a drink in the bargain to warm him up.
13 She is of a race of traders, and will bargain for a bright look.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore CooperContext Highlight In CHAPTER 30 14 Well, then," added the scout, with the musing air of a man who had not half made up his mind; "I will throw 'killdeer' into the bargain.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore CooperContext Highlight In CHAPTER 30 15 I considered him as getting entirely the worst end of the bargain; for he had drawn no blood from me, but I had from him.