1 She did not tell them that it was utter boredom, bewilderment at actually being a mother and, most of all, the absence of Ashley that made her look so woebegone.
2 Her boredom was acute and ever present.
3 There was nothing especially arduous in this round of religious obligations; but it stood for a fraction of that great bulk of boredom which loomed across her path.
4 A ring at the door-bell, sounding emphatically through the empty house, roused her suddenly to the extent of her boredom.
5 The period of daily sickness crawled into an endless time of boredom.
6 Nine-tenths of the American towns are so alike that it is the completest boredom to wander from one to another.
7 She forgot her seasons of boredom.
8 But, woman of action as she was, deserted by the male sex, she was not going to suffer tortures of boredom from the refeened old lady.
9 The round of visits was made; and Mr. James Harthouse, with a discreet use of his blue coaching, came off triumphantly, though with a considerable accession of boredom.
10 In a word, he was so horribly bored by existing circumstances, that he forgot to go in for boredom in the manner prescribed by the authorities.
11 The steam of so much boredom, and discontent and anger out of all the people, just kills the vitality in the air.
12 Of course boredom may lead you to anything.
13 It is boredom sets one sticking golden pins into people, but all that would not matter.
14 Gatsby, his hands still in his pockets, was reclining against the mantelpiece in a strained counterfeit of perfect ease, even of boredom.