1 Although born to the ease of plantation life, waited on hand and foot since infancy, the faces of the three on the porch were neither slack nor soft.
2 But the planters' ladies and the planters' slaves could not overlook the fact that he was not born a gentleman, even if their men folks could.
3 Most Southerners were born with guns in their hands, and lives spent in hunting had made marksmen of them all.
4 Instinct stronger than reason and knowledge born of experience told her that he loved her.
5 For Ashley was born of a line of men who used their leisure for thinking, not doing, for spinning brightly colored dreams that had in them no touch of reality.
6 She was more like her father than her younger sisters, for Carreen, who had been born Caroline Irene, was delicate and dreamy, and Suellen, christened Susan Elinor, prided herself on her elegance and ladylike deportment.
7 Emmie's baby has been born and is dying and must be baptized.
8 There was no need for him to acquire a good head for whisky, he had been born with one.
9 The next year, their first child was born and they named her Katie Scarlett, after Gerald's mother.
10 Charles Hamilton had not risen with the others and, finding himself comparatively alone with Scarlett, he leaned closer and, with the daring born of new love, whispered a confession.
11 An adult emotion was being born, stronger than her vanity or her willful selfishness.
12 In due time, Charles' son was born and, because it was fashionable to name boys after their fathers' commanding officers, he was called Wade Hampton Hamilton.
13 In the nine years before Scarlett was born, the town had been called, first, Terminus and then Marthasville, and not until the year of Scarlett's birth had it become Atlanta.
14 In response to Ellen's letters, pleading with her to come home, she wrote minimizing the dangers of the siege, explaining Melanie's predicament and promising to come as soon as the baby was born.
15 She tried to think of all the things Mammy and Ellen had done for her when Wade was born but the merciful blurring of the childbirth pains obscured almost everything in mist.