1 For the same reason a number of scarecrows with outstretched arms stood reared on long poles, with, surmounting one of the figures, a cast-off cap of the hostess's.
2 It is as well for you that you don't, since, otherwise, you would have found yourself minus both gun and cap.
3 And, sure enough, no sooner had Nozdrev clapped his cap upon his head than the flaxen-haired man started to follow him and his companion.
4 At this point Chichikov, without waiting for Nozdrev's reply, seized his cap, slipped behind the Superintendent's back, rushed out on to the verandah, sprang into his britchka, and ordered Selifan to drive like the wind.
5 Pulling on his cinnamon-coloured, bear-lined overcoat as he went, he had just stepped thoughtfully into the street when he collided with a gentleman dressed in a similar coat and an ear-lappeted fur cap.
6 Above them, on the box seat, were seated a coachman and a valet, while behind, again, there could be discerned a gentleman in a scarf and a fur cap.
7 Swiftly there flew by clumps of osiers, slender elder trees, and silver-leaved poplars, their branches brushing against Selifan and Petrushka, and at intervals depriving the valet of his cap.
8 "No," replied Chichikov, raising his cap, and executing a series of bows.
9 Chichikov also glanced out of the window, and saw approaching the verandah a brisk, swarthy-complexioned man of about forty, a man clad in a rough cloth jacket and a velveteen cap.
10 Seizing his cap, and casting all ceremony to the winds, he fled from the house, and rushed through the courtyard.
11 "I have cloths of the finest kind," replied the tradesman, raising his cap with one hand, and pointing to his shop with the other.
12 "Paul Ivanovitch, I have been looking for you everywhere," Lienitsin's voice said from behind him, while again the tradesman hastened to remove his cap.
13 A carriage appeared with three posting-horses harnessed abreast; in the carriage he caught a glimpse of the blue band of a student's cap, the familiar outline of a dear face.
14 Bazarov's thin lips moved just perceptibly, though he made no reply, but merely took off his cap.
15 'Here we are at home,' said Nikolai Petrovitch, taking off his cap, and shaking back his hair.