1 So all life is a great chain, the nature of which is known whenever we are shown a single link of it.
A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In PART I: CHAPTER II. THE SCIENCE OF DEDUCTION 2 Gold Albert chain, very heavy and solid.
A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In PART I: CHAPTER III. THE LAURISTON GARDEN MYSTERY 3 On the extreme verge of the horizon lie a long chain of mountain peaks, with their rugged summits flecked with snow.
A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In PART II: CHAPTER I. ON THE GREAT ALKALI PLAIN 4 Pendant from her chain her cross swung as she leant out and the sun struck it.
5 But we that have bound our wrists with cowslips might join 'em with a stouter chain.'
6 When the chain was inserted between the buttons he was off.
7 A golden chain, to which was attached a small reliquary of the same metal, hung round her neck.
8 'That's why having a son helps; one is only a link in a chain,' he said.
9 I hope you will like the chain itself, Fanny.
10 I am most happy that you like the chain, and that it should be here in time for to-morrow; but your thanks are far beyond the occasion.
11 Wear the necklace, as you are engaged to do, to-morrow evening, and let the chain, which was not ordered with any reference to the ball, be kept for commoner occasions.
12 When he began to undo the chain, the legs desisted, and a voice began.
13 'I will, directly, sir,' replied Oliver: undoing the chain, and turning the key.
14 I know how listlessly and wearily each of that wretched pair dragged on their heavy chain through a world that was poisoned to them both.
15 He staked his watch and chain, and lost as before; staked his umbrella, lost again; staked his hat, lost again; staked his coat and stood in his shirt-sleeves, lost again.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContext Highlight In BOOK 3: 7 The Morning and the Evening of a Day