CHAT in a Sentence

Learn CHAT from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

96 example sentences for CHAT, such as:

1. We had a nice chat over a cup of tea.
2. She used to drop in for a chat quite often.
3. He often keeps aloof when we chat together.
4. While we were chatting, he slipped into bed.
5. She was chatting away, nineteen to the dozen.

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 Meanings and Examples of CHAT
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 n.  talk without exchanging too much information; informal conversation
Classic Sentence: (76 in 6 pages)
1  Despite the fear that made it shrill, they recognized the voice of Sally Fontaine who, only an hour before, had stopped at Tara for a brief chat on her way to Jonesboro.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXVII
2  "I'll sit in that alcove yonder if you'll bring me some refreshments and then we can have a nice chat," she told Frank as the other three men moved off.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXXV
3  After supper, and another social chat and smoke, we went to our room together.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 10. A Bosom Friend.
4  But we did not go to sleep without some little chat.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 10. A Bosom Friend.
5  Man and wife, they say, there open the very bottom of their souls to each other; and some old couples often lie and chat over old times till nearly morning.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 10. A Bosom Friend.
6  Besides, they would exchange the whaling news, and have an agreeable chat.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 53. The Gam.
7  Once when he sat down to chat, he told us that in the immigrant car ahead there was a family from 'across the water' whose destination was the same as ours.
My Antonia By Willa Cather
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1. The Shimerdas: I
8  Even the smartest travelling men were flattered when Mrs. Gardener stopped to chat with them for a moment.
My Antonia By Willa Cather
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2. The Hired Girls: VII
9  One could go to the cigar factory and chat with the old German who raised canaries for sale, and look at his stuffed birds.
My Antonia By Willa Cather
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2. The Hired Girls: XII
10  Also he could find a comfortable seat by a fire, and could chat with a companion until he was as warm as toast.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 23
11  And they had a real female chat, and both of them enjoyed it.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 10
12  It was mere lively chat, such as any young persons, on an intimate footing, might fall into.
Persuasion By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 10
13  They were merely indulging in the ordinary vivacious chat of relatives who have long been parted in person though not in soul.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: 3 How a Little Sound Produced a Great Dream
14  She did not speak many words; and as for him, something had been just done and some words had been just said on the hill which prevented him from beginning a desultory chat.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 3: 3 The First Act in a Timeworn Drama
15  Within the room the men fell into chat till their attention was for a moment drawn to the chimney-corner.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 3: 7 The Morning and the Evening of a Day
Example Sentence: (20 in 2 pages)
1  He often keeps aloof when we chat together.
2  Whatever you want to chat about, we'll do it tonight.
3  The friendly chat which comes before the interview proper is intended to relax the candidate.
4  We had a nice chat over a cup of tea.
5  She used to drop in for a chat quite often.
6  I had a chat with my boss today about a possible salary increase.
7  For the old lady buying the daily newspaper soon became an end in itself, since she really just wanted to chat with the shopkeeper.
8  Every Italian chat show, gossip column, and newspaper, is full of the speculation of where the Hollywood couple will marry.
9  Inviting others into the chat is as simple as sending them a human-readable URL, and nobody has to sign up or answer an invitation email.
10  She chat with the new zealanders. she do not chat with the Australian.
11  They sat in a corner and chatted of old times.
12  While we were chatting, he slipped into bed.
13  Happiness is simple:You and I,sitting together,chatting,laughing out loud and doing sth.
14  Within minutes of being introduced they were chatting away like old friends.
15  She was chatting away, nineteen to the dozen.