1 She looked as if she expected some comment from Scarlett but the words had made little sense to her and she could think of nothing to say.
2 Even had she not known it, Rhett's comment on the subject had been frank enough.
3 Mrs. Fisher lived in an East side street near the Park, and as the two men walked down Fifth Avenue the new architectural developments of that versatile thoroughfare invited Van Alstyne's comment.
4 I have no claim to know them," Selden answered, ignoring her tone; "no claim to offer any comment or suggestion beyond the one I have already made.
5 Miss Haines offered no comment.
6 The clerk had read the prescription without comment; but in the act of handing out the bottle he paused.
7 "Gimme the butter, Carrie," was Kennicott's comment.
8 That evening Kennicott gave her, without comment, an envelope.
9 Her new clothes were the subject of caustic comment.
10 Any one may possess the portrait of a tragedian without exciting suspicion or comment.
11 She placed it in Edna's hands, and without further comment arose and went to the piano.
12 As the rights of hospitality were, however, considered sacred among them, this little departure from the dignity of manhood excited no audible comment.
13 The sergeant, taking note of this, gave pause to his elaborate history while he administered a sardonic comment.
14 He had been slow in the act of producing the packet because during it he had been trying to invent a remarkable comment on the affair.
15 He desired to say, "All quiet on the Rappahannock," but the guns refused to permit even a comment upon their uproar.