1 From this day natural philosophy, and particularly chemistry, in the most comprehensive sense of the term, became nearly my sole occupation.
2 With which, to my infinite surprise, he included us all in a comprehensive bow, and disappeared; his manner being extremely distant, and his face extremely pale.
David Copperfield By Charles DickensContext Highlight In CHAPTER 52. I ASSIST AT AN EXPLOSION 3 Looking round him in the twilight of the horse-box, Vronsky unconsciously took in once more in a comprehensive glance all the points of his favorite mare.
4 Now the various species of whales need some sort of popular comprehensive classification, if only an easy outline one for the present, hereafter to be filled in all its departments by subsequent laborers.
5 After some minutes spent in this way, Miss Bertram, observing the iron gate, expressed a wish of passing through it into the park, that their views and their plans might be more comprehensive.
6 The manager was very placid, he had no vital anxieties now, he took us both in with a comprehensive and satisfied glance: the 'affair' had come off as well as could be wished.
7 Bossuet had the comprehensive glance of a fasting Hannibal.
Les Misérables 4 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 12: CHAPTER III—NIGHT BEGINS TO DESCEND UPON GRANTAIRE 8 Absence from the school enables me to lose sight of the unimportant details of the work, and study it in a broader and more comprehensive manner than I could do on the grounds.
Up From Slavery: An Autobiography By Booker T. WashingtonContext Highlight In Chapter XV. 9 He fancied that she nodded her comprehension; and with that scant solace he had to trudge off through the rain.
10 The twins looked at each other and nodded, but without comprehension.
11 Life and feeling and comprehension were beginning to flow back into her.
12 It was beyond their comprehension that they no longer had a hundred slaves to do the work.
13 It was beyond their comprehension that an O'Hara lady should do manual labor.
14 It was beyond her comprehension that anyone could love Suellen.
15 He felt there was something unbecoming about a woman understanding fractions and business matters and he believed that, should a woman be so unfortunate as to have such unladylike comprehension, she should pretend not to.