1 He felt like fighting now himself; and when the Irish delegate of the butcher-helpers' union came to him a second time, he received him in a far different spirit.
2 The delegate explained to him how it depended upon their being able to get every man to join and stand by the organization, and so Jurgis signified that he was willing to do his share.
3 Slackbridge, the delegate, had to address his audience too that night; and Slackbridge had obtained a clean bill from the printer, and had brought it in his pocket.
4 The best men are often obliged to delegate their authority.
Les Misérables 1 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 5: CHAPTER IX—MADAME VICTURNIEN'S SUCCESS 5 As a result of the influence of these gatherings, one delegate reported at the last annual meeting that ten families in his community had bought and paid for homes.
Up From Slavery: An Autobiography By Booker T. WashingtonContext Highlight In Chapter XVII. 6 They say that historical personages have power only because they fulfill the will of the people which has been delegated to them.
7 Such is the reply historians who assume that the collective will of the people is delegated to rulers under conditions which they regard as known.
8 He would have carried his delegated authority to the point of insisting that Edgar Linton should not be buried beside his wife, but in the chapel, with his family.
9 The responsible duty of making the toast was delegated to the Aged, and that excellent old gentleman was so intent upon it that he seemed to me in some danger of melting his eyes.
10 It will readily be seen that in this case the alleged right of the Duke to the whale was a delegated one from the Sovereign.
11 Fourthly, The legislative cannot transfer the power of making laws to any other hands: for it being but a delegated power from the people, they who have it cannot pass it over to others.
12 The Duluth delegation had brought their famous Beaver amateur band, in Zouave costumes of green velvet jacket, blue trousers, and scarlet fez.
13 Then Mr. Washington was taken in charge by a delegation of coloured citizens, headed by the Rev.
Up From Slavery: An Autobiography By Booker T. WashingtonContext Highlight In Chapter XVII. 14 , last June had delegates from every county in the State.