1 You deny everything; or, speaking more precisely, you destroy everything.
2 'We shall destroy, because we are a force,' observed Arkady.
3 He has, no doubt, forgotten it and will wish to destroy it.
4 March on, destroy the Russian army.
5 The first and chief object of our Order, the foundation on which it rests and which no human power can destroy, is the preservation and handing on to posterity of a certain important mystery.
6 I have been and always shall be independent; but to go against his will and arouse his anger, now that he may perhaps remain with us such a short time, would destroy half my happiness.
7 Then came an order to retreat to Sventsyani and destroy any provisions they could not carry away with them.
8 Mr. Klyucharev has been treated in the same way, and so have others who on the plea of building up the temple of Solomon have tried to destroy the temple of their fatherland.
9 No, neither death nor anything else can destroy it.
10 The victories of the French at Jena and Auerstadt destroy the independent existence of Prussia.
11 This campaign consisted in a flight of the French during which they did all they could to destroy themselves.
12 So the historians of this class, by mutually destroying one another's positions, destroy the understanding of the force which produces events, and furnish no reply to history's essential question.
13 That assumption would destroy the possibility of the existence of laws, that is, of any science whatever.
14 At the same time there were renewed rumours that Frederick and his men were plotting to attack Animal Farm and to destroy the windmill, the building of which had aroused furious jealousy in him.
15 In the car going home to the red villa in the cornfields, she would destroy it, as a thrush pecks the wings off a butterfly.