DIFFERENCE in a Sentence

Learn DIFFERENCE from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

375 example sentences for DIFFERENCE, such as:

1. There's no difference in the results.
2. The main difference between the groups was age.
3. The difference between the two estimates is marginal.
4. The difference between the two is readily discernible.
5. There is a big difference in the amounts that banks charge.

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 Meanings and Examples of DIFFERENCE
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 n.  people or things are not the same
Classic Sentence: (210 in 15 pages)
1  My companion was in the best of spirits, and prattled away about Cremona fiddles, and the difference between a Stradivarius and an Amati.
A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle
2  Besides, in those days they had been slaves and now they were free, and that made all the difference, as Squealer did not fail to point out.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
Context  Highlight   In Chapter IX
3  It made no difference; his infidelity--but hers did.
Between the Acts By Virginia Woolf
Context  Highlight   In Unit 8
4  With a large allowance for difference of tastes, and with all submission to the patricians of Coketown, this seemed so extraordinary a source of interest to take so much trouble about, that it perplexed him.
Hard Times By Charles Dickens
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1: CHAPTER XII
5  Your absence will make a vast difference to me, sir, as I think you very well know.
Hard Times By Charles Dickens
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER X
6  Answer me not," said the Templar, "by urging the difference of our creeds; within our secret conclaves we hold these nursery tales in derision.
Ivanhoe By Walter Scott
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXIV
7  Sir Geoffrey stood for England and Lloyd George as his forebears had stood for England and St George: and he never knew there was a difference.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 1
8  The moneyboy and the moneygirl, the only difference was how much you'd got, and how much you wanted.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 9
9  'I shouldn't mind, if it made no difference between us,' he said.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 10
10  'Oh, it wouldn't make any difference to my feeling for you,' she said, with a certain sarcasm.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 10
11  And somewhere, in his secret English heart, being a good deal of a soldier, he believed they were right to resent the difference.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 11
12  Forty years had made a difference, an appalling difference in manhood.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 11
13  There is a vast deal of difference in memories, as well as in everything else, and therefore you must make allowance for your cousin, and pity her deficiency.
Mansfield Park By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER II
14  Fanny left the room with a very sorrowful heart; she could not feel the difference to be so small, she could not think of living with her aunt with anything like satisfaction.
Mansfield Park By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER III
15  The only difference will be that, living with your aunt, you will necessarily be brought forward as you ought to be.
Mansfield Park By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER III
Example Sentence: (165 in 12 pages)
16  There is a big difference in the amounts that banks charge.
17  There has always been a difference between community radio and commercial radio.
18  The students possess the conviction that they can make a difference to their community.
19  You can't compare them — there is a fundamental difference in kind.
20  There's no essential difference between a metropolitan and a peasant.
21  The difference between the two is readily discernible.
22  The difference between the two estimates is marginal.
23  There's no difference in the results.
24  Colder weather in the fall is a marked difference from the heat of summer.
25  Many tourists cannot tell the difference between authentic Indian craftwork and imported imitations.
26  The findings show a substantial difference between the opinions of men and women.
27  When the synthetic fabric is contrasted with the natural one, the difference is very apparent.
28  A little consideration, a little thought for others makes all the difference.
29  When the synthetic is contrasted with the natural one, the difference is very apparent.
30  The main difference between the groups was age.