1 There were women in the mob near Decatur Street, garishly dressed women whose bright finery and painted faces gave a discordant note of holiday.
2 In such emergencies, Judy would usually have turned to Lily to fuse the discordant elements; and Miss Bart, assuming that such a service was expected of her, threw herself into it with her accustomed zeal.
3 The voices of Edna's disbanding guests jarred like a discordant note upon the quiet harmony of the night.
4 "I returned day before yesterday," he answered, while he leaned his arm on the keys, bringing forth a crash of discordant sound.
5 To show himself independent of me, he would start and stagger through with his hymn in the most discordant manner.
6 There is no longer the measured quiet sound of throbbing activity, like the sound of boiling water, but diverse discordant sounds of disorder.
7 The vestibule was filled with the discordant sounds of a struggle and of a tipsy, hoarse voice.
8 However, as they had left their cars blocking the road a harsh discordant din from those in the rear had been audible for some time and added to the already violent confusion of the scene.
9 If discordant, producing harmony--if not to us, to a gigantic ear attached to a gigantic head.
10 Their voices were horribly shrill and discordant.
11 Otherwise what is constituted will be discordant in itself, and without stability.
Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius By Niccolo MachiavelliContext Highlight In BOOK 1: CHAPTER LV. 12 With the former everything was of the antiquated and rough-hewn and ill-fitting and unsuitable and badly-adapted and inferior kind; their heads were full of nothing but discord and triviality and confusion and slovenliness of thought.
13 What was new in them was a certain uneasiness and occasional discord, which there used not to be, and which, as Nicholas soon found out, was due to the bad state of their affairs.
14 If there is any misunderstanding and discord between you and Mary, I can't blame her for it at all.
15 To return to the meaning--Are machines the devil, or do they introduce a discord.