1 Dispersed are we, the music wailed; dispersed are we.
2 One hailed another, and they dispersed, across lawns, down paths, past the house to the gravel-strewn crescent, where cars, push bikes and cycles were crowded together.
3 Tom waited until the crowd had dispersed, and the bustle was over; and then referred to a posted list of trains, and took counsel with porters.
4 The national dustmen, after entertaining one another with a great many noisy little fights among themselves, had dispersed for the present, and Mr. Gradgrind was at home for the vacation.
5 On his retiring to his tent, many who had lingered in the lists, to look upon and form conjectures concerning him, also dispersed.
6 These Gentiles, cruel and oppressive as they are, are in some sort dependent on the dispersed children of Zion, whom they despise and persecute.
7 He ordered, however, Oswald to keep an eye upon him; and directed that officer, with two of his serfs, to convey Ivanhoe to Ashby as soon as the crowd had dispersed.
8 The crowd dispersed, indeed, but the knight was nowhere to be seen.
9 Not the reign of your vainly-expected Messiah offers such power to your dispersed tribes as my ambition may aim at.
10 All were attracted at first by the plants or the pheasants, and all dispersed about in happy independence.
11 It was not until even the dusty cloud was no longer to be seen, that the gazers dispersed.
12 Cards and supper were over, but the visitors had not yet dispersed.
13 After a few minutes' bustle beside the high bedstead, those who had carried the sick man dispersed.
14 The smoke above it had not yet dispersed.
15 The smoke of the first shot had not yet dispersed before another puff appeared, followed by a report.