1 The guests began to disperse, some without taking leave of Helene.
2 Twice the marauders even attack our headquarters, and the commander-in-chief has to ask for a battalion to disperse them.
3 The crowd ran after the Emperor, followed him to the palace, and began to disperse.
4 The Emperor went in, and after that the greater part of the crowd began to disperse.
5 crowd began at once to disperse through the village.
6 After that the generals began to disperse with the solemnity and circumspect silence of people who are leaving, after a funeral.
7 The crowd of Russians and Frenchmen began to disperse.
8 In such actions, instead of two crowds opposing each other, the men disperse, attack singly, run away when attacked by stronger forces, but again attack when opportunity offers.
9 Magua still disdained to reply, continuing his efforts to disperse the crowd.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore CooperContext Highlight In CHAPTER 30 10 After which, Tamenund and Alice were removed, and the women and children were ordered to disperse.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore CooperContext Highlight In CHAPTER 31 11 The man who had addressed Haley, and who seemed not destitute of compassion, bought her for a trifle, and the spectators began to disperse.
12 The factory-bells had need to ring their loudest that morning to disperse the groups of workers who stood in the tardy daybreak, collected round the placards, devouring them with eager eyes.
13 Dispersed are we, the music wailed; dispersed are we.
14 One hailed another, and they dispersed, across lawns, down paths, past the house to the gravel-strewn crescent, where cars, push bikes and cycles were crowded together.
15 Tom waited until the crowd had dispersed, and the bustle was over; and then referred to a posted list of trains, and took counsel with porters.