1 "I don't mean them any disrespect," said St. Clare.
2 The captain flew into a passion at the disrespectful behaviour of the brute, and slew him on my body.
3 Thenardier had withdrawn discreetly, without venturing to wish him a good night, as he did not wish to treat with disrespectful cordiality a man whom he proposed to fleece royally the following morning.
Les Misérables 2 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 3: CHAPTER VIII—THE UNPLEASANTNESS OF RECEIVING INTO ONE'S H... 4 Weatherstaff," he said, "that is disrespectful.
5 She knew that even that thought was disrespectful to Ellen and felt ashamed of it.
6 The language, I know, is highly disrespectful.
7 She is so grand that she never dreams that any servant could dare to be disrespectful to her; but if she once suspects that you are defying her, out you go.
8 I would by no means speak disrespectfully of any relation of yours, madam.
9 I could not hear her disrespectfully mentioned, I added, without expressing my opinion in a decided tone.
David Copperfield By Charles DickensContext Highlight In CHAPTER 26. I FALL INTO CAPTIVITY 10 "I repeat my request that you will not speak disrespectfully of my mother, whom I respect," he said, raising his voice and looking sternly at her.
11 Juanita had become patronizing, and she glanced disrespectfully at Carol's golden sash, which she had previously admired.
12 Upon the hint of having spoken disrespectfully or carelessly of the family and the family honours, he was quite indignant.
13 Never speak disrespectfully of Society, Algernon.
14 "One can't write so fast, your honor," said the clerk, glancing angrily and disrespectfully at Kozlovski.