1 His eye, elate with happiness, was reading eagerly the tearful gaze of Haidee, when suddenly the door opened.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre DumasContext Highlight In Chapter 92. The Suicide. 2 First, I smiled to myself and felt elate; but this fierce pleasure subsided in me as fast as did the accelerated throb of my pulses.
3 His large blue eyes seemed to expand as he gazed around the assembly, and his countenance appeared elated by the conscious dignity, and imaginary merit, of the part which he was about to perform.
4 Oliver, quite elated and honoured by a sense of his importance, faithfully promised to be secret and explicit in his communications.
5 'I knew you would be,' cried Fagin, elated by the success of his proposal.
6 Nevertheless I left that gallery greatly elated.
7 Rostov anticipated his horse's movements and became more and more elated.
8 On the contrary, he became more and more elated.
9 We in Moscow are elated by enthusiasm for our adored Emperor.
10 For, though elated by his rank, it did not render him supercilious; on the contrary, he was all attention to everybody.
11 I liked this scheme, and Provis was quite elated by it.
12 She was satisfied with her success, but not elated.
My Antonia By Willa CatherContext Highlight In BOOK 4. The Pioneer Woman's Story: I 13 He took her to see The Bohemian Girl and she felt elated as she sat in an unaccustomed part of the theatre with him.
14 "Let me act as I please, Felton, let me act as I please," said Milady, elated.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContext Highlight In 55 CAPTIVITY: THE FOURTH DAY 15 Their eyes burned and a hoarse cheer of elation broke from their dry lips.