1 Permit me, I say, to inquire why you enumerate the talents of the deceased, seeing that they are all of them dead, and that therefore there can be no sense in doing so.
2 It would take a dozen pages to enumerate all the reproaches the historians address to him, based on their knowledge of what is good for humanity.
3 I shall enumerate them by their fore-castle appellations; for possibly such a list may be valuable to future investigators, who may complete what I have here but begun.
4 Stephen began to enumerate glibly his father's attributes.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James JoyceContext Highlight In Chapter 5 5 "Pride and honor and truth and virtue and kindliness," he enumerated silkily.
6 And if you descend into the bowels of the various leviathans, why there you will not find distinctions a fiftieth part as available to the systematizer as those external ones already enumerated.
7 He enumerated the warriors of the party; their several merits; their frequent services to the nation; their wounds, and the number of the scalps they had taken.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore CooperContext Highlight In CHAPTER 11 8 Then the voice of the speaker fell, and lost the loud, animated tones of triumph with which he had enumerated their deeds of success and victory.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore CooperContext Highlight In CHAPTER 11 9 When he had enumerated the many different occasions on which the Hurons had exhibited their courage and prowess, in the punishment of insults, he digressed in a high encomium on the virtue of wisdom.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore CooperContext Highlight In CHAPTER 27 10 Behold, then, the candles lighted, the fire stimulated to the burning point in the grate, and our three worthies seated round a table, well spread with all the accessories to good fellowship enumerated before.
11 Thus he avoided the quadruple trap which was set for him in the darkness by the four labyrinths which we have just enumerated.
Les Misérables 5 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 3: CHAPTER I—THE SEWER AND ITS SURPRISES 12 The love with which his young wife had inspired him was a secondary sentiment, and was not strong enough to contend with the primitive feelings we have just enumerated.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContext Highlight In 13 MONSIEUR BONACIEUX 13 Roger Chillingworth possessed all, or most, of the attributes above enumerated.
14 I enumerated in my own mind all the various points upon which he had shown me that he was exceptionally well-informed.
A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In PART I: CHAPTER II. THE SCIENCE OF DEDUCTION 15 Therefore it is unnecessary for a prince to have all the good qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them.
The Prince By Niccolo MachiavelliContext Highlight In CHAPTER XVIII(*) — CONCERNING THE WAY IN WHICH PRINCES SH...