1 He explained the yellow fever epidemic as a providential act to discourage urban growth.
2 A great epidemic burst forth in that area.
3 The Sanitary Board tries to stamp out the epidemic.
4 Doctors are struggling to contain the epidemic.
5 If present trends go/continue unchecked there will be a major epidemic of heart disease in the next five years.
6 The epidemic was caused by a particularly virulent flu germ.
7 I think in the developing world we need treatments that are more affordable and more accessible , and we need an HIV vaccine that can have the same impact on the HIV epidemic as vaccines have had on polio, smallpox and other diseases.
8 The G8 countries, she said, have no trouble making speeches about the seriousness of the epidemic though not one has respected its commitments.
9 Increasingly women are bearing the brunt of the epidemic, a pattern Mr. Annan says does terrify.
10 The next epidemic of German measles is expected in 1970 or 1971.
11 They feared the AIDS epidemic would soon reach pandemic proportions.
12 The big mistake last time was to dither: containing an epidemic early is easier and cheaper and saves lives; this time medical staff have been rushed to the scene.
13 Only after the epidemic had peaked did the world pay heed; some governments panicked, imposing flight bans on all travellers from affected countries.
14 Melrose said his supply went dry Saturday after doling out 10 times the normal number of flu shots to victims of the coughing—sneezing-head-feverish epidemic sweeping the nation.
15 Hospitals in the region often lack running water and gloves, and can be fertile ground for epidemics.