1 That is just the essence of every sort of consciousness and reflection.
2 Mercury is a fluid, volatile, spiritual essence.
3 I experienced that feeling of love which is the very essence of the soul and does not require an object.
4 It is the very essence of the soul.
5 This relation of the men who command to those they command is what constitutes the essence of the conception called power.
6 Consciousness gives expression to the essence of freedom.
7 Freedom not limited by anything is the essence of life, in man's consciousness.
8 All that we know of the external world of nature is only a certain relation of the forces of nature to inevitability, or of the essence of life to the laws of reason.
9 All knowledge is merely a bringing of this essence of life under the laws of reason.
10 Vital force is only an expression for the unknown remainder over and above what we know of the essence of life.
11 His mind when wearied of its search for the essence of beauty amid the spectral words of Aristotle or Aquinas turned often for its pleasure to the dainty songs of the Elizabethans.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James JoyceContext Highlight In Chapter 5 12 Time presses, and in our implied agreement with the old scytheman it is of the essence of the contract.
13 The very essence of romance is uncertainty.
14 He used to wonder at the shallow psychology of those who conceive the ego in man as a thing simple, permanent, reliable, and of one essence.
15 The room was a shell, singing of what was before time was; a vase stood in the heart of the house, alabaster, smooth, cold, holding the still, distilled essence of emptiness, silence.