1 But especially it leads us to regard this institution as peculiarly the expression of the inner ethical life of a people in a sense seldom true elsewhere.
2 Let us turn, then, from the outer physical development of the church to the more important inner ethical life of the people who compose it.
3 Many of the worst characteristics of the Negro masses of to-day had their seed in this period of the slave's ethical growth.
4 All this must mean a time of intense ethical ferment, of religious heart-searching and intellectual unrest.
5 In some such doubtful words and phrases can one perhaps most clearly picture the peculiar ethical paradox that faces the Negro of to-day and is tingeing and changing his religious life.
6 Thus we have two great and hardly reconcilable streams of thought and ethical strivings; the danger of the one lies in anarchy, that of the other in hypocrisy.
7 To-day the two groups of Negroes, the one in the North, the other in the South, represent these divergent ethical tendencies, the first tending toward radicalism, the other toward hypocritical compromise.
8 The lady's offences were always against taste rather than conduct; her divorce record seemed due to geographical rather than ethical conditions; and her worst laxities were likely to proceed from a wandering and extravagant good-nature.
9 Moreover, on her side, was his belief that her ethical motive in the argument was impregnable.
10 Much of this development he may have owed to his studious life in Paris, where he had become acquainted with ethical systems popular at the time.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContext Highlight In BOOK 3: 2 The New Course Causes Disappointment 11 Experience was of no ethical value.
12 But Scarlett was not concerned with the ethics of the matter.
13 Your ethics are considerably mixed up too.
14 Kennicott's rival gasped at this insult to professional ethics, and he took an appreciable second before he recovered his social manner.
15 She had never seen her husband in this mood before; and her gentle system of ethics seemed to bend like a reed in the surges of such passions.