1 He sees all ocean strewn with Aeneas' fleet, the Trojans overwhelmed by the waves and the ruining heaven.
2 We, thy children, we whom thou beckonest to the heights of heaven, our fleet miserably cast away for a single enemy's anger, are betrayed and severed far from the Italian coasts.
3 Flying through the depth of air on winged oarage, the fleet messenger alights on the Libyan coasts.
4 The fleet he hides close in embosoming groves beneath a caverned rock, amid shivering shadow of the woodland; himself, Achates alone following, he strides forward, clenching in his hand two broad-headed spears.
5 I am Aeneas the good, who carry in my fleet the household gods I rescued from the enemy; my fame is known high in heaven.
6 For I declare to thee thy comrades are restored, thy fleet driven back into safety by the shifted northern gales, except my parents were pretenders, and unavailing the augury they taught me.
7 Right under Antandros and the mountains of Phrygian Ida we build a fleet, uncertain whither the fates carry us or where a resting-place is given, and gather the people together.
8 Meanwhile Anchises bade the fleet set their sails, that the fair wind might meet no delay.
9 Sweeping all the view, I at last espied this fleet standing in to shore.
10 With gods' auspices to my thinking, and with Juno's favour, hath the Ilian fleet held on hither before the gale.
11 Safety's self was fear; to her likewise had evil Rumour borne the maddening news that they equip the fleet and prepare for passage.
12 Cast ashore and destitute I welcomed him, and madly gave him place and portion in my kingdom; I found him his lost fleet and drew his crews from death.
13 Meanwhile Aeneas and his fleet in unwavering track now held mid passage, and cleft the waves that blackened under the North, looking back on the city that even now gleams with hapless Elissa's funeral flame.
14 First is the contest of rowing, and four ships matched in weight enter, the choice of all the fleet.
15 Here he allures with rewards and offer of prizes those who will try their hap in the fleet foot-race.