1 However, there were the Confederate victories in Tennessee scored by General Morgan and General Forrest and the triumph at the Second Battle of Bull Run hung up like visible Yankee scalps to gloat over.
2 I didn't come to gloat over your poverty but to wish you long life and happiness in your marriage.
3 The girl went on her knees, and bent over me, simply gloating.
4 You have told us of their gloating lips; you heard their ribald laugh as they clutched the moving bag that the Count threw to them.
5 With gloating eyes they watched every movement.
6 But as he sat gloating over me, I was supported by a scornful detestation of him that sealed my lips.
7 It was as if all the agreeable sensations possible to creatures of flesh and blood were heaped up on those black-and-white keys, and he were gloating over them and trickling them through his yellow fingers.
8 He gloated over every abhorrent adjective in the description, and identified himself with every witness at the Inquest.
9 She quite gloated on these questions and answers, so keen was her enjoyment of Sarah Pocket's jealous dismay.
10 It was talked about, gloated over, glorified, until the reason of many of the citizens tottered under the strain of the unhealthy excitement.
11 I gloated over my resentment watching him and.