HAS in a Sentence

Learn HAS from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

404 example sentences for HAS, such as:

1. The bed has an iron frame.
2. His dream has become a reality.
3. He has gone on a business trip.
4. The wound on my arm has healed.
5. TV has its good and bad points.

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 Meanings and Examples of HAS
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 v.  present tense third-person singular of HAVE
Classic Sentence: (202 in 14 pages)
1  I pursued him, and for many months this has been my task.
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 24
2  But now crime has degraded me beneath the meanest animal.
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 24
3  This fellow has worked out the whole thing.
The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 1
4  He has felt an influence dwelling always upon him like a curse.
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne
5  "It has avenged thee," answered Hester Prynne.
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne
6  He has violated, in cold blood, the sanctity of a human heart.
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne
7  And besides all this, I am afraid, Mama, he has no real taste.
Sense and Sensibility By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 3
8  Clerval, I assure you he has outstript us all.
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 6
9  "I hope he has had no bad news," said Lady Middleton.
Sense and Sensibility By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 13
10  It is a corner room, and has windows on two sides.
Sense and Sensibility By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 13
11  It has been involuntary, and I will not encourage it.
Sense and Sensibility By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 15
12  He has, he has," cried Marianne, "I am sure he has.
Sense and Sensibility By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 16
13  All I have ever attempted to influence has been the behaviour.
Sense and Sensibility By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 17
14  Our first care has been to keep the matter secret.
Sense and Sensibility By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 22
15  No, no," cried Marianne, "misery such as mine has no pride.
Sense and Sensibility By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 29
Example Sentence: (202 in 14 pages)
16  The sun has risen above the horizon.
17  The wound on my arm has healed.
18  He has cracked a bone in his arm.
19  She has decided on art as a career.
20  The library has many art treasures.
21  Pleasure has a sting in its tail.
22  He has the ability to do the work.
23  She has a beautiful singing voice.
24  His dream has become a reality.
25  This old bed has a copper frame.
26  The bed has an iron frame.
27  She has several friends in the town.
28  He has gone on a business trip.
29  TV has its good and bad points.
30  He has transmitted the report to us.