1 It showed in the thin hawk nose over the full red lips, the high forehead and the wide-set eyes.
2 I'm a hawk; a tiny leashed hawk, pecked to death by these large, white, flabby, wormy hens.
3 But already the sable wing was before the old man's eyes; the long hooked bill at his head: with a scream, the black hawk darted away with his prize.
4 His head was shaved, as usual, with the exception of the crown, from whose tuft three or four faded feathers from a hawk's wing were loosely dangling.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore CooperContext Highlight In CHAPTER 21 5 An operation which, taken in connexion with the bushy eyebrows and the Roman nose, suggested with some liveliness the idea of a hawk engaged upon the eyes of a tough little bird.
6 And you, if you will be guided by my counsel, will give up this wild-goose chase, and fly your hawk at some other game.
7 'No matter who's got it, or who did it, my dear,' replied Fagin, glancing, nevertheless, with a hawk's eye at the girl and the two bundles.
8 I felt as perhaps a bird may feel in the clear air, knowing the hawk wings above and will swoop.
9 A hawk flew high over a forest far away with slow sweep of its wings; another flew with exactly the same motion in the same direction and vanished.
10 A hawk woke up and settled on a haycock, turning its head from side to side and looking discontentedly at the marsh.
11 His throat ached with a desire to cry aloud, the cry of a hawk or eagle on high, to cry piercingly of his deliverance to the winds.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James JoyceContext Highlight In Chapter 4 12 She wore a moss-coloured velvet jerkin with cinnamon sleeves, slim, brown, cross-gartered hose, a dainty little green cap with a hawk's feather caught in a jewel, and a hooded cloak lined with dull red.
13 "She let the hawk fly upward from her wide right sleeve," went the song, arousing an involuntary sensation of courage and cheerfulness.
14 The round, steady, hawk's eyes looked before him eagerly and rather disdainfully, not resting on anything although his movements were still slow and measured.
15 Here is shelter for you; here I will protect you like a hunted dove that I have saved from a hawk's claws; I will bring peace to your poor beating heart.