1 He listened for Zeena's step and, not hearing it, called her name up the stairs.
2 Why, you--you must be the famous Captain Butler we've been hearing so much about--the blockade runner.
3 Scarlett felt pleased at hearing of their exploits, pleased in a proprietary manner.
4 Rhett, hearing of this from Melanie, brought in from England yards and yards of gleaming white satin and a lace veil and presented them to her as a wedding gift.
5 But still, she was jarred at hearing him attack the very traditions that irked her most.
6 She had lived too long among people who dissembled politely not to feel disturbed at hearing her own thoughts put into words.
7 A pagan hearing the lapping of the waters around Charon's boat could not have felt more desolate.
8 Young Carey looked confused and pleased at hearing such statements from settled matrons and spinsters like Mrs. Meade and Melanie and Aunt Pitty and Fanny, and tried to hope that Scarlett really meant it.
9 What Melanie said was no more than Scarlett had been thinking but hearing it put into words infuriated her, shamed her as if her secret cowardice was written plainly in her face.
10 She stood shaking, listening to his words, hardly hearing them.
11 Gerald stared at her for a moment as if not hearing her and she repeated her question.
12 "That's the first time I ever heard of a Yankee doing a decent thing," said Grandma, as if she regretted hearing anything good about the invaders.
13 Your mother is dead, and it's just like I was hearing it again for the first time.
14 At hearing such serious words about hogs from these ex-dandies who had never given life a more serious thought than which cravat was most fashionable, Scarlett laughed and this time her laugh was bitter too.
15 Naturally, Pork and Dilcey and Mammy gave vent to loud guffaws at hearing the detractor of their beloved Tara set at naught.