1 This fin is some three or four feet long, growing vertically from the hinder part of the back, of an angular shape, and with a very sharp pointed end.
2 We said many good-byes before I left Lincoln, but she never tried to hinder me or hold me back.
3 The low, muttering sounds of his threatening voice were still audible, when the wounded foal, first rearing on its hinder legs, plunged forward to its knees.
4 Their object in separating us was to hinder concert.
5 He could not hinder himself from dwelling upon it.
6 He did not hinder the young man in his scientific researches; he used to sit down somewhere in a corner of the room and look on attentively, occasionally permitting himself a discreet question.
7 This melancholy, which did not prevent her amusing herself, did not hinder the young people who came to her house from passing the time pleasantly.
8 He will not hinder anything useful nor allow anything harmful.
9 The fact is that those men with whom you have ridden round the position not only do not help matters, but hinder.
10 Besides, I want to go very much and certainly will go, so don't hinder me, said he.
11 Statues of women, if Lynch be right, should always be fully draped, one hand of the woman feeling regretfully her own hinder parts.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James JoyceContext Highlight In Chapter 5 12 Nothing seemed to stop or even to hinder them.
13 Suddenly from a lumpy tussock of old grass some twenty yards in front of them, with black-tipped ears erect and long hinder limbs throwing it forward, started a hare.
14 Not a voice was raised, not an arm extended to hinder him.
Les Misérables 1 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 7: CHAPTER XI—CHAMPMATHIEU MORE AND MORE ASTONISHED 15 The one does not hinder the other.
Les Misérables 2 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 8: CHAPTER V—IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO BE DRUNK IN ORDER TO BE ...