1 The FAO called the meeting to discuss urgent and concrete measures to address the humanitarian crisis in Africa.
2 Oxfam is making a big appeal for humanitarian aid to Darfur and neighbouring Chad, where millions of people have been made homeless by fighting.
3 The humanitarian situation in southeastern parts of the country continues to deteriorate, with increasing livestock deaths, serious shortage of water.
4 The UN has always been at pains to say that its role in occupied Iraq is distinct from that of the US-led forces, and many ordinary Iraqis appreciated that the primary UN role was humanitarian.
5 Many ordinary Iraqis appreciated that the primary UN role was humanitarian.
6 I read, discuss in incessant phone conferences and attempt to bring to the world media some of the world' s biggest humanitarian crises.
7 The prime minister also called for troops to dislodge Mr. president as the country's humanitarian crisis worsens.
8 The humanitarian community is increasingly aware of the crisis of internal displacement which affects over 20 million people worldwide.
9 Oxfam is making a big appeal for humanitarian aid to Darfur and neighboring Chad, where millions of people have been made homeless by fighting.
10 Even as a humanitarian mission it has been only a qualified success.
11 They are calling for the release of the hostages on humanitarian grounds.
12 Air bombardment raised criticism on the humanitarian grounds that innocent civilians might suffer.