INCESSANT in a Sentence

Learn INCESSANT from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

82 example sentences for INCESSANT, such as:

1. With an incessant hum of voices the crowd advanced to the table.
2. In the noblemen's hall there was an incessant movement and buzz of voices.
3. But the firmness gradually faded away before her incessant importunings and tantrums.
4. And, in fact, Miss Ophelia's industry was so incessant as to lay some foundation for the complaint.
5. The married couple argued incessantly and finally decided to separate because they were incompatible.

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 Meanings and Examples of INCESSANT
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 a.  uninterrupted; unceasing; continuing without interruption
Classic Sentence: (78 in 6 pages)
1  At each ascent or descent of the road the crowds were yet denser and the din of shouting more incessant.
War and Peace 1 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER XIII
2  Speranski's high-pitched voice struck him unpleasantly, and the incessant laughter grated on him like a false note.
War and Peace 2 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 6: CHAPTER XVIII
3  In the noblemen's hall there was an incessant movement and buzz of voices.
War and Peace 3 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 9: CHAPTER XXII
4  With an incessant hum of voices the crowd advanced to the table.
War and Peace 3 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 9: CHAPTER XXII
5  Black figures flitted about before the fire, and through the incessant crackling of the flames talking and shouting could be heard.
War and Peace 4 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 10: CHAPTER IV
6  She knew Prince Andrew was in the same yard as themselves and in a part of the hut across the passage; but this dreadful incessant moaning made her sob.
War and Peace 4 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 11: CHAPTER XXXI
7  From all sides, like the roar of the sea, were heard the rattle of wheels, the tramp of feet, and incessant shouts of anger and abuse.
War and Peace 5 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 13: CHAPTER XIV
8  He said frankly that he preferred the Captain's swearing and bullying to his daughter-in-law's coddling, and her incessant demands that he give up chewing tobacco and launder his beard every day.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XIX
9  But the firmness gradually faded away before her incessant importunings and tantrums.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER LIX
10  "You're a bad colour, Lily: this incessant rushing about is beginning to tell on you," she said.
House of Mirth By Edith Wharton
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1: Chapter 15
11  Cries, oaths, voices calling to each other, and the reports of muskets, were now quick and incessant, and, apparently, on every side of them.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 14
12  The steel ramrods clanked and clanged with incessant din as the men pounded them furiously into the hot rifle barrels.
The Red Badge of Courage By Stephen Crane
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 5
13  And, in fact, Miss Ophelia's industry was so incessant as to lay some foundation for the complaint.
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XIX
14  He soon realized that even his iron constitution could not stand the incessant strain which he was putting upon it.
A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle
15  We have had such incessant rains almost since October began, that we have been nearly confined to the house for days together.
Mansfield Park By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XIX
Example Sentence:
1  I read, discuss in incessant phone conferences and attempt to bring to the world media some of the world' s biggest humanitarian crises.
2  The incessant hurry and trivial activity of daily life seem to prevent, or at least, discourage quiet and intensive thinking.
3  Though the young man tried to understand Father William's singular behavior, he still found it odd that the old man incessantly stood on his head.
4  The married couple argued incessantly and finally decided to separate because they were incompatible.