1 The surly Chief Clerk wavered for a while; then ended by inviting Chichikov to tea.
2 "Of course not, since we are inviting him," Simonov decided.
3 Anna Pavlovna arranged a group round him, inviting everyone to listen to his tale.
4 The count met the guests and saw them off, inviting them all to dinner.
5 "In that case he is inviting his doom by awaiting our attack," said Langeron, with a subtly ironical smile, again glancing round for support to Miloradovich who was near him.
6 He paused, his gaze still on Pierre, and moved aside on the sofa by way of inviting the other to take a seat beside him.
7 He was going to dine that evening at Speranski's, "with only a few friends," as the host had said when inviting him.
8 He was talking to the countess, and Natasha sat down beside a little chess table with Sonya, thereby inviting Prince Andrew to come too.
9 On the same day the Chief of Police came to Pierre, inviting him to send a representative to the Faceted Palace to recover things that were to be returned to their owners that day.
10 He seemed to be unable to understand the meaning of all these events, and bowed his old head in a spiritual sense as if expecting and inviting further blows which would finish him.
11 Jo, with perfect faith in her own powers and a friendly desire to make up the quarrel, immediately put a note in the office, inviting Laurie to dinner.
12 The commander in chief and his aides soon spread the tablecloth with an inviting array of eatables and drinkables, prettily decorated with green leaves.
13 And Mr. Brooke laid his book on her lap with an inviting smile.
14 Sallie Moffat renewed her friendship, was always running out for a dish of gossip at the little house, or inviting 'that poor dear' to come in and spend the day at the big house.
15 Mercifully unconscious of what she had done, Jo sat with her nose in the air, and a revolutionary aspect which was anything but inviting.