IRRITABLE in a Sentence

Learn IRRITABLE from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

233 example sentences for IRRITABLE, such as:

1. His remarks irritated me a little.
2. She blushed continually and was irritable.
3. The substance is irritable to sensitive skin.
4. That morning Kutuzov seemed worn and irritable.
5. His peremptory tone of voice irritated everybody.

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 Meanings and Examples of IRRITABLE
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 a.  easily annoyed; abnormally sensitive to a stimulus
Classic Sentence: (210 in 15 pages)
1  He told Ellen privately that it was a broken heart that made Scarlett so irritable and listless by turns.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VII
2  She was tired from standing on her feet all morning and irritable because Mrs. Merriwether had scolded her sharply for sitting on a soldier's bed while she dressed his wounded arm.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XI
3  But Tom, full of years and irritable at disturbances, switched his tail and spat softly.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER L
4  An irritable clank and rattle beneath a prolonged roar.
Main Street By Sinclair Lewis
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER III
5  Because of the work imposed by the absence of the other doctors the Kennicotts had not moved to the lake cottage but remained in town, dusty and irritable.
Main Street By Sinclair Lewis
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXIV
6  The dim injustice of not being understood even by his son left him irritable.
Main Street By Sinclair Lewis
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXXVI
7  She was overheated and irritable, and fanned herself energetically for a while.
The Awakening By Kate Chopin
Context  Highlight   In XV
8  Pavel Petrovitch came into the drawing-room, all ready for the fray, irritable and determined.
Fathers and Children By Ivan Turgenev
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER X
9  That morning Kutuzov seemed worn and irritable.
War and Peace 1 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 3: CHAPTER XV
10  She blushed continually and was irritable.
War and Peace 2 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 6: CHAPTER XXIII
11  He grew still more irritable, and it was Princess Mary who generally bore the brunt of his frequent fits of unprovoked anger.
War and Peace 2 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 6: CHAPTER XXV
12  Narrow and burdensome and useless to anyone as his life now seemed to him, Prince Andrew on the eve of battle felt agitated and irritable as he had done seven years before at Austerlitz.
War and Peace 4 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 10: CHAPTER XXIV
13  Those about him had never seen the count so morose and irritable.
War and Peace 4 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 11: CHAPTER XXIV
14  We were all irritable now with the fading ale and, aware of it, we drove for a while in silence.
The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 7
15  "Yes, but I was very much interested by your irritable neighbor," said Levin, sighing.
Anna Karenina 1 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In PART 3: Chapter 28
Example Sentence: (23 in 2 pages)
1  In other controversial news, it seems that the Germans are getting irritable, which is most unlike them.
2  The substance is irritable to sensitive skin.
3  The monotonous routine of hospital life induced a feeling of ennui that made him moody and irritable.
4  They may feel tired and though outwardly calm, can be irritable.
5  Patients usually suffer from increased irritability.
6  Alice felt a little irritated at the Caterpillar's making such VERY short remarks.
7  Helen liked to be served by people who behaved as if they respected themselves; nothing irritated her more than an excessively obsequious waiter or a fawning salesclerk.
8  Like a gadfly, he irritated all the guests at the hotel; within forty-eight hours, everyone regarded him as an annoying busybody.
9  His peremptory tone of voice irritated everybody.
10  His remarks irritated me a little.
11  How could it be otherwise, when Helen, at all times and under all circumstances, evinced for me a quiet and faithful friendship, which ill-humour never soured, nor irritation never troubled?
12  The mob showed its irritation by hanging the judge in effigy.
13  Nanami finds herself evenly divided between irritation and infatuation when she meets Yano, a cute classmate.
14  The heavy traffic is a constant source of irritation.
15  He tried not to let his irritation show as he blinked in the glare of the television lights.