1 "Oh, he can read law in Judge Parmalee's office over in Fayetteville," answered Brent carelessly.
2 He has to talk around in circles till Ma gets so confused that she gives up and tells him to save his voice for his law practice.
3 It was a secret he would never learn, for everyone from Ellen down to the stupidest field hand was in a tacit and kindly conspiracy to keep him believing that his word was law.
4 Georgia was virtually under martial law now.
5 For, of course, you know you have more charm than the law should permit.
6 They were looking on the state they loved, seeing it trampled by the enemy, rascals making a mock of the law, their former slaves a menace, their men disfranchised, their women insulted.
7 Yankee officers who knew nothing of law and cared less for the circumstances of the crime could go through the motions of holding a trial and put a rope around a Southerner's neck.
8 Trial by jury and the law of habeas corpus were practically suspended.
9 Neither life nor property was safe from them and the white people, unprotected by law, were terrorized.
10 India had not approved of the match and, not approving, had not been happy in her brother-in- law's home.
11 It's a natural law and the world is better off without them.
12 The North was determined to force the negro vote on the state and, to this end, Georgia had been declared in rebellion and put under the strictest martial law.
13 And if they didn't pay for the damage to the mirrors in the upper hall, she was going to have the law on them.
14 These women, so swift to kindness, so tender to the sorrowing, so untiring in times of stress, could be as implacable as furies to any renegade who broke one small law of their unwritten code.
15 They had continued resisting all efforts to force them to bow down and accept the dictates of Washington as their own state law.