1 And therefore it is lawful for me to treat him as one who has put himself into a state of war with me, i.
2 And this is that, and that only, which did, or could give beginning to any lawful government in the world.
3 And so by this their own principle, either all men, however born, are free, or else there is but one lawful prince, one lawful government in the world.
4 But supposing victory favours the right side, let us consider a conqueror in a lawful war, and see what power he gets, and over whom.
5 Barclay therefore, in another place, more coherently to himself, denies it to be lawful to resist a king in any case.
6 The catching business, we beg to remind them, is rising to the dignity of a lawful and patriotic profession.
7 When despairing Hungarian fugitives make their way, against all the search-warrants and authorities of their lawful government, to America, press and political cabinet ring with applause and welcome.
8 And now to my boon," said the King, "which I ask not with one jot the less confidence, that thou hast refused to acknowledge my lawful sovereignty.
9 He is their lawful property; he fairly belongs to them.
10 but now my lawful spouse, Monsieur Kukshin's residing there.
11 Order is not yet restored and not a single merchant is carrying on trade in a lawful manner.
12 He had on the Shoes; for as yet no lawful owner had appeared to claim them; and besides it was so very dirty out-of-doors, they were just the thing for him, he thought.
Andersen's Fairy Tales By Hans Christian AndersenContext Highlight In THE SHOES OF FORTUNE 13 I'm a slave to that woman, Governor, just because I'm not her lawful husband.
14 The laws say that men may not write unless the Council of Vocations bid them so.
15 What punishment awaits us if it be discovered we know not, for no such crime has come in the memory of men and there are no laws to provide for it.