1 But it would be gone soon and then he'd lend a hand in the work.
2 And when they asked who was going to lend the money she said: "Layovers catch meddlers," so archly they all laughed and teased her about her millionaire friend.
3 In the yellow lamplight of the dining room, she asked Pitty about her finances, hoping against hope that Charles' family might be able to lend her the money she needed.
4 For a moment she considered asking him to lend her three hundred dollars, but wearily she rejected the idea.
5 He would be embarrassed; he would stammer; he would offer excuses, but he wouldn't lend it to her.
6 She knew now that he had hurried to her as soon as he was released, without the slightest appearance of hurry, to lend her the money if she still needed it.
7 And I'll lend it to you--without, my dear Mrs. Kennedy, that charming collateral you offered me a short while ago.
8 And I'm willing to lend you the money.
9 No, Scarlett, if I am to lend you the money I reserve the right to discuss Ashley Wilkes in any terms I care to.
10 Furthermore, she told Frank that if the repairs at Tara could ever be completed, she intended to lend out her money on mortgages.
11 And, even if he makes a mint of money, he'll never lend any shine and sparkle to Tara, like your father did.
12 I'd lend ten thousand dollars without even a note to that old Roman matron, Mrs. Merriwether.
13 Perhaps he would lend them enough to see them through.
14 The bank wants to lend money to people like you.
15 "Miss Melly, I want to lend you the money," said Rhett.