1 His manhood was humbled by the part he was compelled to play and by the thought of what Mattie must think of him.
2 From the two he loved best, Charles had received no toughening influences, learned nothing of harshness or reality, and the home in which he grew to manhood was as soft as a bird's nest.
3 They have taken the flower of our manhood and the laughter of our young women.
4 Her white citizens are wedded to any method however revolting, any measure however extreme, for the subjugation of the young manhood of the race.
5 Nothing since I have been a reading man has so impressed me with the decay of manhood among the people of Tennessee as the dastardly submission to the mob reign.
6 Nothing, absolutely nothing, is to be gained by a further sacrifice of manhood and self-respect.
7 In short, the magnifying influence of fear began to set at naught the calculations of reason, and to render those who should have remembered their manhood, the slaves of the basest passions.
8 The expanded chest, full formed limbs, and grave countenance of this warrior, would denote that he had reached the vigor of his days, though no symptoms of decay appeared to have yet weakened his manhood.
9 Throwing his leg over the saddle, he dismounted, with a determination to advance and seize his treacherous companion, trusting the result to his own manhood.
10 As the rights of hospitality were, however, considered sacred among them, this little departure from the dignity of manhood excited no audible comment.
11 'Twould be, indeed, a bloody path for such tender feet to wade in," returned the equally reluctant scout; "but I thought it befitting my manhood to name it.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore CooperContext Highlight In CHAPTER 14 12 Heyward was also nigh, supporting himself against a tree, and endeavoring to keep down those sudden risings of sorrow that it required his utmost manhood to subdue.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore CooperContext Highlight In CHAPTER 33 13 It rekindled the few expiring embers of freedom, and revived within me a sense of my own manhood.
14 I was fast approaching manhood, and year after year had passed, and I was still a slave.
15 I talked to them of our want of manhood, if we submitted to our enslavement without at least one noble effort to be free.